Thursday, June 12, 2008


First Name - Garett
Nickname - have alot but most common is AhMoi
Birthday - 23 May
Birthplace - KL
Time of Birth - how should i know
Single or taken - of course, single
Zodiac sign - Gemini, the twinnie

--This or That--

Flower or Chocolate - chocolate of course. flower is not edible xD
Pepsi or Coke - both also not much difference
Rap or Rock - ROck
Relationship or One Night Stand - relationship
School or Work - school. can be carefree
Love or Money - love, i guess
Movies or Music - hard decision but i'll pick movie
Country or City - city of course, i just love city
Sunny days or Rainy days - sunny days, so that i can feel the light
Friends or Family - family because they're dearest to moi

Have you ever

Lied - hmm.. you say will i
Smoked - hate the smell?
Broke someone's heart - if friendship, yes
Had your heart broken - maybe ..
Liked someone who was taken - huh?
Shaved your head - if i can remember, i guess not.
Been in love - i guess
Used chopsticks - isn't that obvious
Sang in the mirror to yourself - no, it just creep me out


Flower - anything that is appealing
Candy - those gummy kind
Song - hmmm..... don't know a lot to choose
Scent - freshly bake cookie or cake, food
Color - orange-y
Musical Instrument - flute, i guess
Movie - 27 dresses
Actor/Actress - no fav
Word - recently ish majarine
Junk food - hmm.. like snack like waffle or crepe better
Website - my blog
Location - Mid Valley and my lovely home
Animal - ...
Ever cried over someone - hmmm... not really
Is there anything you wish you could change about yourself - my laziness i guess
Do you think you're attractive - do you think so
If you had to choose a fairytale as your life what would you choose - cinderella ?
Do you play any sports - anything that does not involve with round balls
List (8) random facts about yourself and tag (some) people-
1. fun i guess
2. sarcastic
3. smart
4. read lots of book
5. postive
7. etc
8. etc

no gonna tag anyone

hope ya'll like it

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