tagged by choco;
1. do you think you're hot?
maybe; i love to say i'm hot in both ways
2. upload a favourite picture of yourself ?
nah, hides myself
3. do you like the picture?
of course
4. when was the last time u ate pizza?
Sunday; ate japanese pizza in Pasta Zanmai
5. what was the last song u listened to?
Scream - High School Musical 3
6. what are you doing right now besides this?
watching tv
7. what name do you prefer besides your name?
i don't know?
8. 5 people i tagged
#1 Ghia
#2 Shin
#3 Yun
#4 Shanan
#5 Agnes
9. who is number 1?
a vampire lover; aka imaginary edward
10. who is number 3 having a relationship with??
i know i know! but i won't tell, friends honour
11. say something about number 5
my long lost friend who is in canada now =(
12. how about number 4?
someone who likes nerd
13. who is buddy number 2?
my friend since kindergarten
Do it if you want; i dont mind or care
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