Sunday, December 20, 2009


Lately, i kept on pictures, its either BANNERS or VINTAGE images
it's like the old times coming back in styles, like polaroid pictures
i am still amaze with technology that humans created, like PHOTOSHOP
enables users to manipulate images into whatever criteria

toremember [800x600]

school holidays should be fun but its truly not for NOW
why now? when i'm still a kid, there is millions of things listed do to
but NOW, those plans had changed to what should i say, BORING
what i thought was holidays is enjoyable to any ages

but i guess that was proven wrong, growing teens like us had ...
changed the defination of FUN and HOLIDAY
twenty-first century is definately changed a lot since the previous century
nothing i can do ...

but i WANT to go back school, where my friends is ...

skyissstillblue [800x600]

one thing hasn't change till this very day, the sky
the sky is still blue and the sun is still shining so bright
cloud is still white and grass is still green
BUT the air quality is not the same, its polluted

when will the air quality revert to the old days?

glamourmemory [800x600]
me and my bff, miss her craziness

i'm addicted to vintage pictures or what i like to call it, RETRO GLAMOUR
anything that have GLAMOUR in it, i'm definately lovin' it