Wednesday, November 18, 2009

5 questions to say YES

isn't him adorable ?

there is times when you parents question you
and you want to avoid parent's lecturing and nagging
i know everyone is tired of people telling you what to do
but at times you will sort of miss those 'nags' when it's all too quiet

when people says, hate means love
that can be partially correct and wrong
let me tell you not all hate will eventually turns to love
hatred can last for a long long time

these are the questions that is necassary for you to answer YES

#1 'Are you listening to me ?'
- most of the time when you did something wrong, your parents will start to nag or lecture you
- in order to save yourself, just answer YES to this question

#2 'Have i made myself clear ?'
- the same as #1

#3 'Will you gonna call me when you get there ?'
- if you don't answer YES, they will start to call you eventually and start questioning
- i know you don't want that to happen when you're having fun

#4 'Is there going to be adult supervision ?'
- this is hardly ask in Malaysia because it doesn't work like this in Malaysia ? i guess
- but if this question occurs, you better answer YES or else prepare to rot at home

#5 'Are you going to clean that up ?'
- there is bound to be mess when we decided to do something
- this will the famous question ask when you're finished with what you did

here is a special appearance by my cute lil friend, Mr Cute ;D
he will teach you all how to say YES with full of enthusiasm


here is a little info about my lil friend
he is please to meet you all =D


he also want to appear more in this blog
readers, do you want him to appear ??

i'll let Mr. Cute to end this post for me


not trying to imitate stickgal